residency program|
青田真也 AOTA Shinya
Breaker Project 2016-2017
展覧会|2018年3月8日(木)- 25日(日)[木曜-日曜・祝日]
Accompanying Forms
Project Period|July, 2016 - March, 2018
exhibition|March 8 - March 25, 2018
身近な日用品や大量生産される既製品など、大小さまざまな素材のものをヤスリで削り、見慣れた表層を奪い去る作品シリーズを発表して来た青田真也が 2016 年より大阪市西成区でサーチを行い、新たな作品制作に取り組みました。
リサーチ先となったのは、西成区内の古くから営業している商店や町工場など。その多くは創業50年以上というものづくりの現場およそ 69 件。ここで青田が出会ったのは、繰り返し行われる日々の作業のなかで自ずと生成され、その場に「よりそう」ようにひっそりと在るものたち。普段は気にも留められず見過ごされているものたちです。
Shinya Aota's new body of work "Accompanying Forms" is based on the research he conducted in Nishinari, Osaka, from 2016 to 2018.
For Aota, who had been making a series of works with sanded/shaved surfaces for more than 10 years, the research allowed him to explore the possibilities of a new approach to making art. He visited more than 60 factories and shops, many with long histories, and also met artisans in person. Without any specific plan in place, he started by visiting small workshops to observe various places of production. On some occasions, he asked to watch the artisans work as a way of understanding their processes. As a result, his ideas took shape through his learnings and experiences at the workshops.
What he found were various by-products shaped by the production process, along with things that were automatically or accidentally formed through daily work routines. These things exist quietly in the company of the products and people who create them. For example, old wooden products at a stamp store, such as a table that has become smooth, brownish and rounded at the edges after more than 50 years of use, or a plastic sheet used as protection against damaging solvents. He confronted these unnamed things and thought about them. Perhaps more accurately, he contemplated, appreciated and cherished them. Filled with indescribable charms, they fascinated Aota and led him to find the connection between their existence and the idea that penetrates his artistic expression: questioning the essence and value of things. These unnamed things were the mediators that allowed him to develop this idea even further.
One of the important ideas for the project was presenting things that are only visible if we try to see them. He wanted the viewers to pause and look at things they tend look past, things that are not so easily noticeable, stories behind things and feelings that cannot be easily articulated. It seemed very easy to do, yet society can be a hard place to find value in such modest things and share thoughts about them. For this reason, artists like Aota question us in a persistent manner, motivated by the things that exist discreetly in our everyday lives.
Breaker Project 2016-2017青田真也「よりそうかたち」
会場施工|高橋和広(KUSUNOKI WORKS) グラフィックデザイン|川村格夫
協力|ナニワ企業団地協同組合/大阪府板金工業組合/青山|目黒/大本モータース/関西製靴株式会社/有限会社喜久屋/北原祥平/桑野巌(桑野鈑金株式会社)/神戸アートビレッジセンター(kavc)/株式会社小林製作所/小福屋/須藤よし子/太陽堂印判店/株式会社タカラ塗料/竹中機工/(元)中川製作所/中本商店/新野恭平(glass工房ココロイロ)/西野正将/八條工房/浜田製作所/有限会社富士合金所/目賀ランマ店/矢作理彩子(Glass Studio ARGO)/株式会社平井製本/池田一安/牛尾緋美子/草田武子/耕三寺功三/塚本きみ子/松田 薫/六 大助/柳本京子/古谷晃一郎/dot architects/the three konohana/アートラボあいち/L PACK./工房名月/今井俊介/今村遼佑/岡田和奈佳/近藤令子/高橋耕平/たちばなひろし/原田拓哉/藤永覚耶/前谷康太郎/ミヤギフトシ/村井太郎/八嶋有司/山下耕平/芳木麻里絵/吉田有里 ほか2年間のプロジェクトでご協力いただいたみなさま(敬称略・順不同)
/損保ジャパン日本興亜「SOMPO アート・ファンド」(企業メセナ協議会 2021 Arts Fund)*2016年度
/公益社団法人企業メセナ協議会 2021 芸術・文化による社会創造ファンド*2017年度
ディレクター|雨森信 事務局|松尾真由子/高岩みのり/室谷智子![]()
青田真也 -AOTA Shinya
主な展覧会に、2010年「あいちトリエンナーレ2010」長者町会場(愛知)、2014年「日常/オフレコ」神奈川芸術劇場(神奈川)、「MOTアニュアル2014」東京都現代美術館(東京)、「Shinya Aota 2014」青山|目黒(東京)、2015年 個展「A.B.」Utrecht/NOW IDeA(東京)、2016年 「Solo Exhibition」テラス計画(北海道)、2017年「Solo Exhibition」Hebel_121(スイス・バーゼル)
- 2018年4月 1日(日)更新資料・掲載記事
【青田真也】掲載記事等 - 2018年3月 8日(木)〜3月25日(日) open:木〜日・祝お知らせ
【青田真也】展覧会「よりそうかたち」 - 2017年2月 2日(木)更新レポート
【レポート】青田真也さん リサーチスタート! - 2016年7月 1日(金)更新お知らせ